„Blast“ was a short-lived literary (mainly poetry) magazine of the Vorticist movement in the UK. The magazine is emblematic of the modern art movement in England, and recognised as a seminal text of pre-war 20th-century modernism. One of the co-authors was Ezra Pound. Poems published in „Blast“ were expressive, explosive, experimental and new. Violently new.

We are The Blast. We are post modern poets because the lines of words we are singing…we mean them. We are musicians because the melodies we are playing…we feel them. We are The Blast because we embody a neon poetic nostalgia magazine celebrating life, art, freedom, beauty, youth, peace, love and sex. We are The Blast and we are sorry it took us so long to introduce you to our music – we just couldn’t stop writing. We really meant it!